How to operate your dotBrand
Boost business creation and value
Operations Guidebook
Now that you have a broad understanding of a dotBrand, it’s benefits along with the application process dive in further areas including how to remain ICANN compliant, reporting requirements and policy changes that may affect dotBrand registries.
GDD Operations Guidebook provides high-level information pertaining to ongoing registry operations required to fulfill the obligations specified in the base Registry Agreement, including along with additional information on services and resources.
Annual Certification is contractually required by all registries including dotBrands. If a registry meets the condition for part of the calendar year, they are required to submit an annual certification of:
• Compliance with Registry Operator Code of Conduct if a registry also operates as a provider of registrar or registrar-reseller services.
• Compliance with Code of Conduct Notice of Exemption where a registry agrees to conduct internal reviews at least once per calendar year to ensure continues compliance with representations made in its Exemption Request per the exemption criteria.
Compliance with Specification 13 where a registry agrees to conduct internal reviews at least once per calendar year to ensure that the registry meets the dotBrand definition.
All certifications are due within twenty calendar days of the end of each year. You can find additional information on annual certifications here.
Reporting – Monthly registry activity reports include the Per Registrar Transaction report and Registry Functions Activity Report and are due within twenty calendar days following the end of the calendar month as required in the Registry Agreement. The format and content are in Specification 3.
As a registry operator you are managing a part of the internet directly from its root. To ensure the security and stability of the internet is maintained ICANN conducts periodic audits of registry and registrar operators. These can be focused audits, for example, specifically covering monitoring and responsiveness to DNS abuse, or broader reviews of contractual obligations. Details of ICANN’s audit program can be found on their website.