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BRG @ ICANN64 – Highlights

Crews Gore

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ICANN 64 Community Forum – Kobe, Japan

9-14 March 2019

[/vc_custom_heading][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading]BRG @ ICANN64 – Highlights[/vc_custom_heading][vc_column_text]

  1. ICANN Chair calls for the community to embrace change and be prepared for the challenges ahead.

  2. Board issues ultimatum to ACTO member states and Amazon corporation to reach a mutually acceptable solution regarding the Amazon Applications by 7 April 2019, otherwise the Board will decide how to proceed.

  3. The first phase of the Expedited Policy Development Process for the Temporary Specification moves towards implementation but concerns are raised regarding delivery of phase two, which will focus on developing the access model for registration data. In search of a new chair and parts of the community seeking a slower pace, phase two will struggle to make any quick progress.

  4. Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process continues to focus on delivering its final report in 3Q19 after assessing public comments. Subject to reaching decisions amongst the working group and acceptance of any recommendations by the GNSO and ICANN Board, the next application window is unlikely to open before 2021.

  5. Rights Protection Mechanisms Policy Development Process continues to stumble along, hindered by participant complaints escalated to ICANN’s Legal Counsel. The timeline to deliver an Initial Report remains uncertain but likely to extend to early 2020.

  6. The “BRG Huddle” creates a lot of noise with speed dating and the joint INTA/BRG reception fosters community engagement.

  7. BRG members and Japanese brands share experiences at GMO’s Brand Registry Operators Interactive Session.

  8. BRG Community Session highlights the continued progress of dotBrand registries.

For more details members can refer to the BRG summary for ICANN64.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_height_percent=”0″ override_padding=”yes” h_padding=”2″ top_padding=”4″ bottom_padding=”3″ overlay_alpha=”50″ gutter_size=”3″ column_width_percent=”100″ shift_y=”0″ z_index=”0″][vc_column column_width_percent=”100″ overlay_alpha=”50″ gutter_size=”3″ medium_width=”0″ mobile_width=”0″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ shift_y_down=”0″ z_index=”0″ width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner row_inner_height_percent=”0″ overlay_alpha=”50″ gutter_size=”4″ shift_y=”0″][vc_column_inner column_width_percent=”100″ gutter_size=”3″ overlay_alpha=”50″ medium_width=”0″ mobile_width=”0″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ shift_y_down=”0″ z_index=”0″ width=”1/1″][vc_single_image media=”68951″ media_lightbox=”yes” media_width_percent=”100″][vc_separator sep_color=”color-526867″][vc_custom_heading text_height=”fontheight-357766″ text_space=”fontspace-781688″ text_weight=”300″ text_color=”color-wvjs”][/vc_custom_heading][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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